Saturday, November 25, 2006

Nairs the Great

Nair is the name of a Hindu Kshatriya caste in the southern Indian state of Kerala. Nairs are an integral part of Kerala's culture and have a long history. The Nair caste was a martial nobility, similar to the Samurai of Japan and figure prominently in Kerala History.Origins and historyAncient South Indian history as well as eminent historians, and foreign travelers refer to the Nairs as a martial nobility, similar to the Samurais of Japan. The origin of the Nair caste is uncertain. Some anthropologists are of the view that the Nairs are not indigenous to Kerala, as many customs and traditions distinguished them from other Keralites. Some examples are their own form of inheritance (Marumakkathaayam), warfare (Kalaripayattu), gods and goddesses (Nagas or serpents, and Bhadhrakali), and numerous sub-castes and surnames. There is also a belief that the Nairs are Nagas. Velu Pillai, in the 'Travancore State Manual', explains how the Namboodiris were met by the martial Dravidian Nagas who had migrated like them, from the North. The Keralolpathi, which is a compilation of myths, mentions that Varuna had gifted land in Kerala to Nagas and the Nairs descended from these Naga ladies and Brahmin men. The affinity of the Nair community to Serpents and Serpent worship is indisputable and might have given rise to their reputed Naga origin. Naga worship might have also given rise to the mythical version of Nairs being Kshatriyas belonging to the Serpent dynasty (Nagavansham) who removed their sacred thread and migrated south to escape the wrath of a vengeful Parasurama. According to Chatampi Swamigal who interpreted old Tamil texts, the Nairs were Naka (Naga or Snake) Lords who ruled as feudal lords in the Chera kingdom. A Nair Lady, by Ravi VarmaOne finds mention of the Nairs during the reign of the King Rama Varma Kulashekhara (1020-1102) of the second Chera dynasty, when the Chera Kingdom was attacked by the Cholas. The Nairs fought by forming suicide squads (Chavers) against the invading force. It is not clear whether the Cheras themselves were Nairs, or if the Cheras employed the Nairs as a warrior class. All the Kings of Kerala boasted of how many Nairs were there in their army.The Nairs gradually lost their supremacy over the land after the collapse of the second Chera kingdom. The Namboothiris became more powerful. However Nairs continued to be the feudal lords (and less commonly royalty, as in Palakkad and Kozhikode) and land owners right up to the British times. They dominated the civil, administrative and military elite of the Pre-British era of Kerala.The Nair community currently numbers around 6 million people globally.[edit] EtymologyThe word Nayar is either derived from the Sanskrit word Nayaka (leader) or Naga (snakes, which the Nairs worshipped). Nair is also seen in other parts of the world - although no direct linkages with Nairs in Kerala have been established.[edit] Typical last names- Nair surnames are carried through matrilineality.
The surname Nair/Nayar is commonly used by all sub-castes belonging to Nair caste.
However, there are specific surnames for Nairs belonging to each class (Varnas) of the society.
• Eradi
• Kaimal
• Kurup
• Mannadiar
• Menon
• Nayanar
• Panicker
• Pillai
• Thampan
• Nedungadi
• Vazhunnor
• Nambiar
• Varma
• Unnithan
• Valiathan
• Karnavar
• Thampi
• Menokki • Achan
• Asan
• Kartha
• Kitavu
• Pallee
• Ilayidam
• Padanayar

Nair customs and traditions

Tharavadu is a system of joint family practised by Nairs.
A typical Nair Tharavad Kulam (fresh-water pond)A fresh-water pond (Kulam) was an essential requirement for the Tharavadu for bathing purposes. Daily bath was a must for Nairs. Also there were many rituals which needed ceremonial bathing in the ponds.[edit] Snake Park (Sacred Grove for Serpents)Generally, every Tharavadu had a Sarpa Kaavu (Sacred Grove for Serpents) for the worship of Serpent deities. Annual rituals and feasts were ceremonially conducted at the Sarpa Kaavus. Deterioraton of Tharavadu systemThe Socio-cultural changes which accompanied industrialization, modernization and political awakening had its toll on many old institutions. The matrilineal Nairs had to change with times. Maternal uncles started caring for their own children instead of their nephews and nieces. Social reforms spread with modern education. Partition of Tharavadus for individual share (Alohari Bhaagam) happened due to legal enactments. Tharavadus crumbled. The matrilineal system disintegrated. Fathers took charge of their sons and daughters and the husband and wife started living together with their offsprings. In Travancore, within five years of the Marumakkathayam Law of 1933, which sanctioned the dismantling of the tharavadu and the partition of property, 32,900 families were partitioned (1). By 1940s Tharavadu system of living became a thing of the past. Big Naalukettus and Ettukettu structures began to collapse or were sold off. Now only the names of the Tharavadus are remembered by the Nairs. MarumakkathayamNairs followed Marumakkathayam (Matrilineal) system of inheritance. It is exceptional in the sense that it was one of the few traditional systems that gave women liberty, and right to property. Under this system, women enjoyed respect, prestige and power. An exception is the community of Mannadiars of Palakkad, because they follow the patrilineal system. Some historians believe that the Marumakkathayam system started after the Chera-Chola wars during the second Chera empire, as the Nairs lost most of their men during the war.In the Marumakkathayam system, the family lived together in a tharavadu which comprised of a mother, her brothers and younger sisters, and her children. The oldest brother was known as the "Karanavar" and was the head of the household and managed the family estate. Lineage was traced through the mother, and the children "belonged" to the mother's family. All family property was jointly owned. In the event of a partition, the shares of the children were clubbed with that of the mother. The Karnavar's property which he earned for his Tharavad was inherited by his sister's sons and daughters and not by his own sons or daughters.The Marumakkathayam system is not very common in Kerala these days for many reasons. Kerala society has become much more cosmopolitan and modern. Nair men seek jobs away from their hometown and take their wives and children along with them. In this scenario, a joint-family system is not viable. However, there are still a few tharavadus that pay homage to this system. In some Nair families, the children carry the last name of their mother instead of the father, and are considered part of the mother's family, and not the father's. Nairs connect to and trace their lineage to a tharavadu - not to a member of the family. Tharavadu names are quite an important element of social reckoning - though decreasing in importance these days. The Kerala rulers also followed the Marumakkathayam system.“Kalam” by M.T. Vasudevan Nair, “Ayalkkar” by P. Kesava Dev and “Kayar” by Thakazhi Sivasankara Pillai portray the many facets of the Marumakkathayam system and how it had to dismantle itself because of the intricacies of modern times.[edit]

Kalarippayattu: The Vadakkan, or northern, style of Kalarippayattu is associated with the Nairs. In earlier times, Kalarippayattu was an essential component of education for Nairs. Nair men and even women learned the art of Kalaripayattu at an early age and used their skills in wars and combats.[edit] Marriage customs

KettuKalyanam : Marriage among the Nairs used to mean either the formal ceremony of tying a Thaali round the neck of a girl, accompanied by festive celebrations, known as the Thaalikettu or Kettu Kalyaanam, or the ceremony of actual alliance as husband and wife known as the Sambandham or Putavakota or Putavamuri as it is known in Northern Kerala. Through the work of social reformers, Kettu Kalyaanam ceased to exist. Now only the usual Marriage ceremony for Husband-Wife alliance is performed as Vivaaham which is a short and simple ceremony. Kettukalyanam put a squanderous expenditure on the tharavads and so Chatampi Swamikal strived against it. Marital alliance between the kindred (practised by many communities in India) is still allowed within this caste. It is not unusual for a boy or girl to be married to the son or daughter respectively of his her uncle on the mother's side.

Sambandham: an older form of marriageSambandham (Relationship) was a loose form of marriage prevalent among the Nairs. Sambandham could be had by a Nair lady only after her Kettu Kalyaanam. This kind of relationship was customary among the other matrilineal groups like Kshatriyas, and Ambalavasis and even among the Moplah Muslims of Malabar as well. The husband has mostly the right for cohabitation only.The food and care of the women and children would be the responsibility of the Karnavar of he family. The alliance starts with the ceremonial giving of Mundu or cloth to the lady by the prospective bridegroom.Sambandham suited the matrilineal system. It suited the system of Namputhiri Brahmins in which only the eldest male was allowed to marry among the same caste. So the younger Nampoothiris took to Sambandham with Kshatriya,Ambalavasi or Nair women. Namputhiri Sambandham was first attacked straight in the pioneering novel, "Indulekha" (1889) of O. Chandu Menon and Sammanthaval by Unnattiri (1889)

Vivaham: current systemMarumakkathayam has disintegrated. Sambandham came to a close. Over a century by now, Marriage (Vivaham) is performed as among the other communities. Marriage is consecrated with the giving of cloth (Pudava) and tying of Golden Thaali. The right hand of the bride is given into the right hand of the bridegroom by the father of the bride. There is exchange of flower garlands. The marriage is performed in the presence of the ceremonial lamp (Nilavilakku - the one with a sharp conical stem top). There is the accompaniment of Nadaswaram and Vaaykkurava (sound made by women with their tongues). The marriage is followed by a sumptuous feast with at least four varieties of Prathaman (Sweet dishes). After the marriage the bride goes to the bridegroom's house. This is a major change as far as the Marumakkathayam tradition is concerned. However, all the fanfare and pomp, the hallmark of Nairs are still evident in the Vivaham celebrations.[edit] Other customsSeemantham: Seemantham or Pulikudi is performed when a woman is pregnant for six months. On an auspicious day, after applying home-made ayurvedic oil with massage, a customary bath is done with the help of the elderly women in the family and then the family deity is worshipped, by invoking all the paradevatas. After that a concoction of herbal medicines prepared in the traditional way is given to the girl. The girl will be dressed up in new clothes and ornaments (used for such occasions). The family then has a feast for all the relatives. The medicines and routines of the girl are prescribed to be followed till child-birth.Jananam: Once a baby is born, the new born is given a bath. Honey and gold (gold rubbed on a stone with honey) with Vayampu (a herbal medicine) will be applied on the tongue of the new born as the first food.Upanayanam Holy thread ceremony for boys at the age of 12.Thulamasakkuli: Throughout the Malayalam month of Thulam (October-November), all the women and girls in the family will have bath (traditionally in the river or family ponds) much before sun rise. They will then perform poojas at home or visit a temple for Nirmalyam (early morning darshan.)

Thiruvathirakkali: A form of dance performed by women mainly on the night of Thiruvathira (Ardra) day in the month of Dhanu (December-January) either in the courtyard of the nalukettu or in the courtyard in front of the house. Thiruvathira songs are set in a specfic meter and composed in Malayalam. It is also called Kaikotti Kali and performed during the Onam celebrations.[edit]

Quotes on the Nairs
Below are the quotes of the foreign travellers to Kerala regarding the Nairs and their status: Quotes on the Nairs by Foreign Travelers:1510.—“The first class of Pagans in Calicut is called Brahmins.
The second are Nair, who are the same as the gentlefolk amongst us; and these are obliged to bear sword and shield or bows and lances.”— Varthema1563.—“…
The Nairs who are the Knights.”—Garcia1755.—“The king has disciplined a body of 10,000 Naires; the people of this denomination are by birth the Military tribe of the Malabar Coast.”—Orme1661. - “Olive colored they (Nair Women) grow their ears long and consider it fashionable, they wear gold and silver ornaments in the big ear holes...
They grow hair and tie it in a peculiar fashion on the head. Chewing betel leaf is common and their teeth are thus often black in color. From a very early age they get military training, though fierce they are also well behaved, which is the custom here…….
These Nairs rarely laugh…They are born in Noble families and are adept warriors. They come out with sword in one hand and shield in the other. They are a proud and arrogant people.” – Logan1661.- “"
... it is strange how ready the soldier of this country is at his weapon...they are all gentlemen and are termed Nayars ... they send their children to (Kalaris) when seven years old and their body becomes so nimble and bends as if they had no bones” – Logan1603. - “The men of war which the King of Calicut and all other kings have is Nair…..
each being a gentleman……their women be of great beauty and rare to catch sight of…..possessing fine neat features….befitting the noble class” – John Kanding"...On the west coast there are a few curious distinctions that indicate, apparently, difference in racial origin. The first of these instances is that of the Nair, the military caste of Malabar. Their traditions point to the north as their native land; they are light in colour, in very great contrast to the rest of the castes of the tract, have retained the custom of polyandry, with a good deal of serpent worship. It appears that they advanced upon their present tract by way of the coast higher up, but how they got there does not appear. As with the Arya, they found a dark race in possession and enslaved them on their estates, where they labour to the present day. In the same tract, too, there is a class of Bráhmans, the Nambudiri, of remarkable fairness of complexion, and noted for their rigid ceremonial puritanism. Then, again, in the track of the Nair's alleged progress, we find a peculiar caste of Brahmans, partly occupied in the cultivation of spices and betel nut, but settled mostly above the Gháts, and not therefore so well sheltered from foreign influences as the Nair, who sought the coast. These Havig or Haiga Bráhmans show their connection with the Túlu country in their speech, and, like the Nairs, attribute to their caste a serpent origin in Rohilkhand, a statement borne out by their title. Between these we have a class of female temple servants of an equally light complexion amidst a universally dark population.."( Jervoise Athelstane Baines , ( 1893 ), General report on the Census of India, 1891 , London , Her Majesty's Stationery Office , p. 184) ↑"Before quitting the country (Kerala) Hyder Ali Khan by a solemn edict declared the Nairs deprived of all (social and political) privileges and (ordered) not to carry arms. This ordinance was found to make the submission of the proud Nairs absolutely impossible because they would have thought death preferable to such humiliations and degradation. Therefore, Hyder Ali Khan by another ordinance, consented to restore all social and political privileges including carrying of arms, to the Nairs who embraced the Mohammadan religion. Many nobles had to embrace Islam; but a significantly large section (Nairs, Chieftains and Brahmins) chose rather to take refuge in the kingdom of Travancore in the South than to submit to the last ordinance"- Prince Ghulam Muhammad of Mysore"The Nairs of Malabar who attained much celebrity in warfare....justly entitled born the virtue of their descent they must always bear arms..they constitute the third and the last of the honoured castes....a privilaged people....the Rajahs like the oriental monarchs are fond of exaggerating their importance and boast of the number of Nairs they have in their country and service to impress us (the portuguese) with the idea of their wealth and power" - The Book, Letters from Malabar"I like to see these nairs who never care their lives who lead an army of similar people even against mighty ocean of enemies and fight to win like a hell-fire " - Lord Wellington

Notes and references
G. Arunima. There Comes Papa: Colonialism and the Transformation of Matriliny in Kerala, Malabar c.1850-1940 , Orient Longman.
Digital Colonial Documents (India)
{{note Nayaru Piticha Pulivaalu, Vrikodaran Pillai, TBS Publishers Calicut, 1988

Mannathu Padmanabhan (1878-1970)

Mannathu Padmanabhan was a great social reformer who hailed from the State of Kerala. He was born on 02 January 1878. Eswaran Namboodiri of Nilavana Illam was his father. His mother, Parvathy Amma came from a poor but respectable Nair family near Changanacherry, in North Travancore.Padmanabhan started as a teacher in 1893 on a salary of rupees five per month in a Government Primary School. In 1905, he started practising law in the Magistrates’ Courts and soon became a leading member of the Bar. In 1915 he gave up a lucrative practice and became full-time secretary of the Nair Service Society that had been started at his initiative in 1914. He established, expanded and enriched the Society as its Secretary for 31 years and as President for three years. In 1924 he took part in the Vaikkom and Guruvayoor temple-entry and anti-untouchability agitation. He became a member of the Indian National Congress in 1947 and took part in the Travancore State Congress agitation against Sir C.P Ramaswamy Iyer’s administration in Travancore.In 1949 Padmanabhan became a member of the Travancore Legislative Assembly. In 1959 he led a united opposition against the State Communist Ministry which had become unpopular. This ultimately resulted in inviting President’s rule to Kerala.During all these years the Nair Service Society had his constant attention and selfless service. It had now grown into a powerful organisation with a vast membership, substantial finances and various welfare activities. Besides looking after this work, Padmanabhan wrote many articles, an autobiography, and a travel book, Our Trip to the Federated Malay States, some criticisms and a novel, Snehalata. His style was virile, forthright and very effective. He also set up colleges, schools, hospitals and industrial units. In appreciation of his valuable services the President of India awarded him the title ‘Bharata Kesari’.He passed away in February 1970



Until 1310 AD Tamil Nadu and Kerala was ruled by Tamil Villavars who were warrior clan of ancient Tamils. Villavar subgroups were Villavar Vanavar and Malayar(who give the name Malayali to Keralites) and their seagoing cousin called Meenavar. The later Chera king Kulasekharapperumal who ruled between 800-825 AD called himself Villavar. The Tripartite Villavar kingdoms were Chera Chola and Pandyan kingdoms who ruled over Kerala also. Until 1102 the Villavar Chera King ruled over Kerala. After the fall of Mahodayapuram (Kodungaloor) Chera dynasty the Villavar Cheras shifted their Capital to Kollam and merged with Ay dynasty forming Chera-Ay dynasty (1102-1335 AD).

The Tamil Villavars followed Patrilineal descendency ie after father son became King. Tamil was the official language. Tamils patronised Dravidian religeon, Hidnuism and Jainism. Until 1102 Tamil Villavar Cheras ruled over Kerala and parts of Tamil Nadu. Between 1102 to 1215 Chera-Ay rulers who ruled from Kollam were also Villavar Tamils (Matriarchy was not practised by them) rule over Kerala. Between 1215 to 1314 AD Pandyas ruled over Kerala and most of the Southern India with the help of a Srilankan army (Parakrama Pandya 11 went to Srilanka in 1212 and formed a Government there but he was assasinated. His son came back and established the Pandyan empire).

Nairs are Tulu Bunts planted in Kerala by the Turkish invaders from Delhi Sulthanate in 1310 AD as rulers. Different Tulu Bunt subgroups such as Nayara Menava Kuruba and Samantha ruled over Kerala. Nairs and Bunts practiced Matriarchy and Matrilineal descendency which were unknown to ancient or Medival tamils. Tulunadus Bunts practised Matriarchy since ancient times. Polyandry was practised by Nairs after 1310 AD while Villavar Tamils never practised it. Naga worship practised by Nairs was not present in Kerala prior to 1310 AD
Some of the Tamils (Panickars Pilais and Kiriyam Illam) joined the Tulu invaders.

Bunts-Nairs who were of Naga descent and are migrants from Ahichatra (part of ancient Nepal Rohilkhand in Uttarpradesh) during the reign of Kadamba king Mayura Varma in 345 ad. Thus a people more relate to Nepalese Newars ruled over Kerala between 1310 to 1947. Matriarchy Polyandry, Naga worship are the distinct features of these Naga rulers. The Naga kings added their birth star to their names which was never done by the earlier Tamil Villavar kings.



Nairs are closely related to Tulunadus Bunts who are Nagas too. Marumakkathayam practised by Nairs is called by Bunts as Aliya Santhana. Matriarchy an ancient Naga custom is practised by Bunts too. In Tulunadu Nagas appeared in the fourth century AD.

Kadamba kingdom an ancient Bana kingdom(Banas are the Northern cousins of Tamil Villavar rulers) fell in the hands of an Aryan Brahmin called Mayura Sharma in the fourth century AD. Mayura Sharma changed his name to Mayura Varma brought Brahmins and Nagas from Ahichatra according to Tulunadus Gramapaddhati. Nagas as they were brought as bonded slave warriors they were called Buntaru or Bunts. Later days the Nagas migrated to the Alupas Pandyan kingdom of Mangalore(another Bana Pandyan kingdom). Nayara Hegdes ruled from Mangalore as chieftains in the middle ages.

Keralolpathi mentions that the laterday rulers are of Malenadu in Karnataka. Keralolpathy mentions a Tulu prince called a BANAPPERUMAL attacking Kerala with a large Nair army 350000 strong under the leadership of Padamala Nair. This Banapperumal had the ARAB support. Banapperumal was the brother of Tulu king Kavisingarachan (Kavi Alupendra who ruled between 1110 to 1170 AD). The Banapperumal for a brief period of 36 yrs ruled over Kerala ie between 1102 to 1138 (Or 1120 to 1156 AD) with a title CHERAMAN VADAKKAN PERUMAL. Keralolpathi says that this Tulu Banapperumal was a Buddhist. BANAPPERUMAL established VALAPATTANAM near Kannur as his capital. He built Madayi kotta also.

When PADA MALA NAIR the Tulu general had an affair with the queen, the Queen blamed Nair when enquired by the BANAPPERUMAL. The Tulu Banapperumal enraged by this condemned Padamala Nair to death. The old saying Penn Sollaketta Perumala pole comes from this incidence. Padamala Nairs sentence in turn turns the Nair army as antagonists. The Banapperumal who lost the support of his own Nair army sort the advice of Padamala Nair. The good natured Padamala Nair advised Banapperumal to surrender to the Arabs. Thus the The Tulu CHERAMAN PERUMAL often called as the last Cheraman perumal in Keralas legends thus surrendered ARABS and left for Arabia. Before leaving Kerala he divided Kerala between his friends and relatives.

BANAPPERUMAL was a BANA from Alupas Pandyan kingdom while his army was Nairs part of the Bunt community of Karnataka.
From 1102 onwards Nairs appeared in Kerala. A Tamil inscription from the time of Kothaverma Marthandam(1107 to 1125 AD), who refers to himself as the ruler of Trikodithanam
mentioned Nairs for the first time

Percussion instruments (Chenda, Thimila, Chekandi and Kahalam)were organised by THENCHERIL CHENNAN NAIR for the temple events: Uthra-Ganam and Kalia-mardanam

The Chera Villavar dynasty was shifted to Venad where they formed the Chera-Ay dynasty which was a Patrilineal Tamil dynasty. Between 1102-1114 ad Chera Ay dynasty ruled over southern Kerala. Chera Ay dynasty ruled over all Kerala until 2015 when they became Pandyan Vassals.

When the Cheras of Kerala were weakened and shifted to southern Kerala Pandyas became the paramount power in Kerala. Pandyas belonged to Tripartite Villavar kingdoms and ethnically related to Cheras. Pandyas destroyed Chendamangalam in the mid 13th century.

After the fall of imperial cheras a tiny Villavar kingdom existed at Chendamangalam whose king became a Christian. The Villarvattom king send a letter seeking help to Pope which was forwarded to Portuguese king leading to the Portuguese expedition to India.


After the defeat of Pandyan kingdom in 1314 Kerala was ruled by Bunt subgroups such as Samantha, Nayara, Menava and Kuruba.
The Naga Lords were

Who descend from the Banapperumal as well Nairs.

Nairs who have elevated themselves to Kshartiya status

Moopil Nairs were nair chieftains who ruled over small territories

Madambi(Mada=Himalaya Nambi=chieftains) were the feudal lords.

Who were Aryan Brahmins from Ahichatra often had sambandham with the Samantha Kshatriya Queens and their offsprings could become kings. Ambalapuzha Devanarayanan, Edapally Nambiadiris and Vellarappalli Kovilakam in Kochi territory all could have Brahmin roots.
(Villavar Tamil Kings married Dravida Kshatriya queenss and Brahmins cant marry Villavar queens)

Four Matriarchal Kingdoms were formed (Kerala never had Matriarchy earlier).

Kolathiri dynasties first king was the son of Banapperumal, Karipathu Kovilakathu Udayavarman Kolathiri according to Keralolpathi. Because of Naga mixture practised Matriarchy. Kolathiris were the leaders of all the Nairs in Kerala.

Samuthri kingdom was a Samantha Kshatriya Kingdom created by the Union of Polanad with Calicut kingdom

Kochi kings had Samantha Kshatriya as well as Brahmin mixture. Keralolpathi claims that matrilineal Kochi kings descend from the Tulu Cheraman Perumals sister married to a Nambuthiri. Earlier Kochi kings practised BUDDHISM.

Chinese visitor Mahuan visited the coast in 1409 A. D. He writes of Cochin thus : —

** The king or raler is of the solar race and is a sincere believer of Buddhisai
and has the greatest reverence for elephants aad oxen and eveiy morning at day-
light presents himself before an image of Buddha. Tlic king wears no clothing
on the upper part of his person ; he has simply a squai'e of silk wound round his
loins kept in place by a cloured waist band of the same material and on his head
a turban of yellow or white cotton cloth. The houses are built of the woed of
the cocoanut tree and are thatched with its leaves. There are five classes of
men. The Nayars rank with the king. In the first class are those who shave
their beards and have a thread or string over their shoulders. These are looked
upon as belonging to the noblest families. * In the second are Mahomedans* the
third the Chetties who are the capitalists ; in the fourth Kohngs who act as com-
mission agents, the fifth the Mukuvas.

However the Samantha and Nairs were Hindus when the Portuguese arrived at 1498


The last Tamil Villavar king VEERA UDAYA MARTHANDA VARMA alias VEERAPANDYAN was forced to abdicate in favour of two Tulu princesses called ATTINGAL AND KUNNUMEL RANIS in 1314 AD. Attingal and Kunnumel Ranis were from the house of KOLATHIRI descendent of TULU invader BANAPPERUMAL. By forced adoption ATTINGAL RANI and KUNNUMEL RANIS became rulers of VENAD. MATRIARCHY came to effect.

After the Malik Kafurs attack and the formation of MABAR KINGDOM (MADURAI SULTHANATE) was formed in this period (1310 to 1335) Tamil kingdoms of Kerala was removed from power and Tulu Bunts became rulers of Kerala. In 1335 ATTINGAL RANIs son became the king of Venad.
SAMANTHA KSHATRIYA rule of Venad was supported by Pillais a Vellala (Tamil) mixed Nairs at Venad.

When Europeans came in 1498 Kerala was under a Matirarchal race of Nairs of Naga descent. Europeans thought that fair coloured Nairs had subjugated dark (Dravidian) people. The Europeans did not realize that Nairs were invaders from Tulunadu and their roots was at Ahichatra. Europeans thought Nairs were Kerala equivalent of European Knights. Portuguese were unaware of the Delhis invasion which led to the ascendency of Tulu people from Dakshin Kannada in Kerala. Portuguese never realized that Nairs became rulers of kerala just 184 years before their arrival in 1498.

European support to the Samantha Kshatriya and Samanthan Nair Kingdoms led to the suppression of Villavar Tamil people who were the Kshatriyas of Chera Kingdom. Nair ascendency in Kerala is the result of spice money and Modern weaponry supplied by the Portuguese, Dutch and British colonial rulers

When the Kochi kingdom was under Portuguese control Venad was under a Tulu Samantha Kshatriya ruler who often married from Cholas(Kalakkad) Pandyas and had Tamil titles.These ethnically different Tulu rulers adopted the Chera titles such as Kulasekhara along with Delhi Sulthanate given Shamsher Jung title. Until 1600 Matriarchal Tulu Bunt rulers of Venad pretended to be tamils.

Under Portuguese in 1600s by forced adoption two princes from BRAHMIN Vellarapally Kovilakam was adopted into Venads ruling family. Between 1600 to 1700s Nambuthiri Kings ruled over Venad with Kulasekhara title. This was opposed by Pillamar the Vellala mixed Nairs of Venad.

Under British low ranking Samanthan Nairs from Beypore Pally Thattari Kovilakam were adopted by Venads Nambirattiyar Queen Umayamma Rani.

Despite stiff resistance by Pillamar Marthanda Varma a Samanthan Nair from Beypore became the king of Venad in 1730s.

After the installation of a Marthanda Varma a Samanthan Nair in Travancore Villavar people were crushed.

The Tulu Bunt kingdoms did not use Tamil but they used Tigalari script from Dakshin Karnataka. With British support the indigenous Malabar Tamil (Lingua Malabar Tamul) and Malayanma languages were made obsolete as the British actively promoted the Tighalari based langauge of Nairs and Nambudiris in the 19th century. All the books from Keala written in Malabar Tamil and Malayanma also disappeared from Kerala.

First Malayalam bible sporting Tigalari script of Karnataka was written by a Christian converted Nair called Govindankutty (Joseph Fenn) wrote the Malayalam bible with Tigalari Script in 1829. From this period Nair language was made official by the British. Most of the Malayalees dont remember that their ancestors used a language called Malayanma which was closer to Tamil.

The Tulu Bunt-Nairs thus had the support of Delhis invaders as well as the protection of European colonial rulers leading to the suppression of Dravidian Villavar culture until independence.

The Chera flag displayed Bow and arrow of Villavar people. But prolonged Tulunadus Naga rule destroyed Villavar culture and enslaved them.



Many Cnristian Nairs especially Menons have become Christian Pastors, Brothers, Doctors, Reverends, Bishops, Arch Bishops and Apostles after 1980s. They are mostly found in India, Singapore, UK and US. In India and UK they have founded their own churches. Americans have been promoting and funding Hindu Nairs to work as Christian clergy in the American Churches in India.


Unlike other converts to Christianity recent converted Nairs dont change their names to Christian names. But Singapore Nairs who often mixed up with Chinese have adopted Christian names. Other Nairs have independently accepted Jesus Christ. Most of the converts are from Palakkad Menons and Trivandrum Nairs but no Nambiars have been ever converted.


Most converted Nairs describe themselves as Brahmin or Hindu Orthodox aristocracy. They never describe themselves as Sudras of Naga ancestry who migrated from Ahichatram, the capital of ancient Nepal to Tulunadu and then to Kerala in 1120 AD.


Nairs are not indigenous to Kerala. They are people of Naga origin from ancient Nepal. Newars, the most likely parent group of Nairs in Nepal were Vajrayana Buddhists. Nairs were brought to Karnataka from Ahichatram, the capital of ancient Nepal in 345 AD as hereditary slave warriors by Kadamba king Mayuravarma. In Northern India most of the Nagas were among the oppressed classes. Many Nagas were Buddhists. But in Kerala with the help of Arabs and Turkish invaders Naga Nairs from Tulunadu occupied Kerala and replaced Tamil rulers in 1335 AD. The Europeans supported Nagas against the native Dravidian Villavar ruler clans in Kerala and Tamilnadu. That is how a Nepalese tribe called Nairs became dominant in Kerala.


Nairs are of Tulu-Nepalese roots who are related to Bunt community of Tulunadu and Newars of Nepal. In 1120 AD a Tulu invader called Banapperumal who was a Buddhist, with Arab support invaded Kerala with 350000 strong Nair army. It was a mass migration of Nairs to Kerala under Arab protection. Banapperumal and his descendents were allies of Arabs. Arabs were a major sea power in the second millenium. With Banapperumal Nairs occupied northern Kerala, four districts in Malabar ie Kasaragod, Kannur, Kozhikode and Malappuram Districts. Arabs colonised these Nair areas. Banapperumal and his commander Padamala Nair (Husain Kwaja) had embraced Islam. Banapperumal divided Malabar among his son and nephews and went to Arabia in 1156 AD.
Many Nairs also had converted to Islam but continued to practice Matriarchy. Without Arab help Nairs would have been able to enter Kerala.

But the invasion of Malik Kafur in 1310 AD and the defeat of Pandyan dynasty led to the end of all Tamil Kingdoms. When Madurai Sultanate was established in 1335 AD the Tulu-Nepalese people, Tulu Samantha rulers, Nairs and Nambuthiris became rulers of Kerala. Tulu-Nepalese people were the enemies of Tamils and allies of Arabs and Delhi Sultanate. All the temples built by Hindu Tamil Villavar clans of Chera dynasty were occupied by Nairs. Newars the parent group of Nairs practised Buddhism. Nairs built numerous Cobra-snake temples on Ant hills where they worshipped live Cobra-snakes. Some Jain temples were also converted to Snake temples. They had bizarre Himalayan Naga customs such as Matriarchy and Polyandry. The harassment of the local Dravidian Hindu population of Kerala by Nairs led to large scale conversion of Keralites to other religions. Many Villavars of Tamil Chera dynasty escaped to Srilanka. Eventually 45% of Keralas population who remained embraced other religeons such as Christianity and Islam.




Until 1329 when Jordanus Catalanus was the Bishop of Kollam the Christian population of Kollam was 3000. Total Kerala's Christian population might have been around 5000 including Nasrani Mappillas who were descendents of middle eastern traders and local converts. Madras had only 14 Syrian Christian families when Marignoli visited India in 1342. The occupation of Keralas temples by Nairs in 1335 AD and oppression of local Hindus led to the steady increase in the Christian population in Kerala. Tamil Villarvattom king who ruled area between Chendamangalam and Udayanapuram converted to Christianity around 1339 AD. With this conversion of Villarvattom king and his Panikkars the the population of Christians in Kerala reached 30000. When Portuguese conducted a census in 1504 Christians of Kerala were 30000. Keralas Nestorian Christians surrendered to Portuguese and adopted Roman Catholic faith. The Christian Panikkars joined Portuguese army and eventually a Portuguese mixed Mestizo society was established. When Portuguese left in 1660 the Christian population was 200000.

The Tulu-Nepalese Nairs by allying with Arabs and Turks were harassing local Dravidian Hindu population of Kerala. This led to the growth of Christianity in Kerala as more and more Dravidian Keralites joined Christianity.


Joao Da Cruz or Martin was among the early Nair Christian's in the early 16th Century converted by Portuguese. But Portuguese considered him to be a fraud. In the 1700s some Nairs were converted at Trivandrum. Devasahayam Pillai was converted around 1740 to Roman Catholicism. Devasahayam Pillai was considered a traitor. Around 1829 Chathu Menon(Joseph Fenn) from Ottappalam and his family were converted to Christianity by CMS missionaries. Many Nair families in Neyyattinkara, Kottayam, Meenachil, Palakkad etc were converted to Christianity in the 19th century. They abandoned Matriarchy and adopted Christian names. They were genuine Christians. But generally Nairs had been indifferent to Christianity. Nairs never had any deep conviction in any ideology or religeon. Usually they join the dominant ideology of the period and manage to secure high posts. Why many Nairs suddenly started claiming to be Christians, Pastors and Missionaries, starting from 1980s is a mystery.


Veluthamby a Nair leader cut of the ear and Nose of Syrian Christian Administrator and Forest minister Thachil Mathu Tharakan in 1805 AD. A law was passed in 1815 to include Syrian Christians for Oozhiam or forced Labour. But Col.Monro instructed Diwan Reddy Raos. The houses of Dravidian converts were ransacked by Nairs between 1812 to 1859. Churches and Schools were burned down by them. Nairs attacked Christian women and children at Trivandrum and prevented the children from going to Church and Schools in 1829.




Palakkad Trivandrum, Chennai and Bangalore are the hotspots of Nair Christian conversions. But they work as Pastors at Trivandrum and Ernakulam only. In Kerala the Nair self converts are Menons mostly from Palakkad where they are antagonistic to local Christians. They are known to have disrupted even the Christmas carols.

Next is the Trivandrum area where they were the deadly enemies of Anglican converts. Nairs opposed building Christian Churches. The first Anglican Church was built for British soldiers only in 1838. In 1982 in the Mandaikkadu clash Trivandrum Nairs crossed border into Tamilnadu and Vandalised the Latin Catholic Churches. They even used the Pulpit as a lavatory. The Latin Catholics are spread along the coast. The attacks continued for six months.

There is practically no interaction between Nairs and CSI or Syro-Malankara Churches. Trivandrum Nair conversions are fake. In the Nair majority areas such as Kollam, Kozhikode and Kannur there is no Nair Neo converts or Pastors. Ultimately all the self converts will reach Bangalore. Their miraculous transformation as Missionaries occurs there.


Arabs, Turkish Sultanate at 1335 AD had elevated Nagas of Tulunadu to a higher status in Kerala. The Unscrupulous European colonial rulers protected Tulu-Nepalese kingdoms of Nairs for 450 years. Until 1968 land reforms some Nairs families had upto 200000 acres of land. Except some Nair families who still hold plantation crops such as Cardamom there is hardly any Nair aristocracy left now. Some educated Nair families previously allied with British have formed a Lobby now.

Most of the Nairs belong to the middle class at present. Most of them dont have good knowledge of Hindu scriptures either. But with Christian conversions of Nairs and funding from Americans it might create a new Pseudo Christian Nair aristocracy. Americans are quite naive to believe that Nairs suddenly started accepting Christianity. Only a few Nair conversions to Christianity could be genuine.


The Gulf employment from 1970 onwards has elevated muslims from their earlier tenant status under Nairs to Aristocracy. They are the richest entrepreneurs in Kerala at present. UAE is the residence of much of keralas NRIs especially Hindus. Many Non-Nair Hindus who made money in UAE actually dominate Kerala. Syrian Christians, a community of Nurses have spread out Globally.

Most of the Aristocratic Syrian Christians have many nurses working abroad or priests receiving funds in their family. There are many self appointed Evangelists from Pathanamthitta among Syrian Christians benefitted by foreign missionary activities. They can easily buy a two thousand acre plantation. Actually many Nairs are jealous of Christians.A class of multimillionaire Syrian business men, close relatives of Orthodox or Catholic Syrian priests exist from 1980s.

Illinois has become a centre of Syriac Christianity. Now even the Jacobite headquarters has been shifted to Illinois from Damascus. Many of the family members of Syrian priests have migrated to Illinois Syrians thus form an international aristocracy.




From 1960s foreign missionaries from Europe and America were restricted entry and were not allowed to work in India. In 1980s foreign missionaries were evicted from certain areas. When the foreign missionaries were barred from entering India, Foreign missionary Organizations started funding Indian preachers as well as some Churches. Many Christian preachers from central Kerala started calling themselves missionaries. These Preachers who received foreign funding started new churches and called themselves Bishops. As long as the foreign missionaries were present until 1980s there was hardly any Nair got converted to Christianity. But once the foreign funding started for proxy missionaries many Nairs self converted to Christianity. But there was no Christian Nair Almayar, Church going commoners. Immediately after their alleged conversion Nairs started calling themselves Brother or Pastor.


Foreign churches such as American based Seventhday Adventists and Mormons operate in India. In India many dont like American Churches at all. Many immediately reject Ellen G.Whites and Joseph Smith's theology. They have followers in thousands only. Baptists are the only American Church with a strong base in the North and North East. But with foreign funding many Churches, Schools, Colleges, Orphanages and seminaries are established in India by the Indian Christian Bishops.

But if a recently converted Nair Christian is able to convince the foreign church about his sincerity then the work may be entrusted to him. He will receive the funding. It is like multiple foreign contracts but the American donors are not allowed to supervise the progress of the work as observers are not allowed. But for a Nair convert to secure funds from America he should be supported by some enterprising Americans or Indian Christian NRIs.

A genuine Syrian Christian priest can't establish more than five Churches in his life time. But some Nair Neo converts claim that they have established thousands of American Churches in India. When the foreign missionary activity ceased around 1980s foreign money in dollars started flowing. Americans and Europeans were funding Christian Churches and Evangelists. With this foreign funding many Nairs started claiming to be Christian too. The Dollars and Pounds influenced Nairs greatly. Some intelligent Nairs claiming to be Christian's got easy Visas to US.

Some Nairs without studying theology opened Churches and Prayer houses. Some Nairs even studied in Seminaries mimicking the Pathanamthitta evangelists. After studying at Seminaries they designed themselves as Pastors, Reverends, Bishops or Arch Bishops. Many of the Theology graduates started their own Churches or Prayer houses. If they join an established church they will have to obey their superiors. They cannot collect money independently. Some Christian Nairs travelled to US, UK, Australia, Newzealand to give sermons in Churches abroad. Lucky ones got regular funding making them immensely rich. Pretending to be a Christian missionary after his forties by a Hindu converted Nair requires enormous skills. Before 1980 there were hardly any Nair Christian's or Nair missionaries.


Nagas eclipsed Dravidian culture for 600 years starting from 1335 AD. Nairs were the worst enemies of Keralas Christians. They are Nagas northern migrants from Ahichatra. Nairs are not ethnically related to south Indian Dravidian people. Now sending a Nair priest to Dravidian and tribal areas is like sending a Nazi to minister Jews. American missionary organisations are trying to create a Pro American fake Christian community under the leadership of Hindu Nairs since 1980.




The Church of England otherwise called Anglican Church converted millions in India. Kerala, Tamilnadu and Bengal were where missionaries were hunting for souls in the 19th century. Those Hindus who converted to Christianity were left to fend for themselves in Kerala. British never protected them. They did not give them jobs in Government. From 1812 for hundred years the Anglican converts faced with repeated attacks from Nairs with Tulu-Nepalese roots.. Most of the Malayalis are of Dravidian stock and ethnically different from Nairs.

The British were allied with Nairs and their Tulu Samantha kings. The Churches the British missionaries built were more like a barn than Churches. At the peripheries the Anglican church goers were forced to worship in tin roofed shacks. Many of these Anglicans formed prayer houses often buildings with a Palmleaf roof and a wooden Cross where people sat on the sand spread inside. A petromax light is often the only worldly possesion of these churches. The Evangelists barely survived with the coins thrown in as offerings.

Nairs constantly harrassed the Christians. Burned down Churches and the missionary built schools and the residences of Christians. Stripped Christian women. Many Christians lost their properties to Nairs. British and the Anglican Church were the meanest among the foreign missions of India. They convert and leave them to their fate. Actually after independence nobody wanted to call themselves Anglicans or London mission Christians. That led to to the formation of CSI. Now CSI is not part of Anglican communion. The Church of England has not helped the CSI since then. After the British left the Anglicans built their own small churches. At present Church of England believe that some Nairs living at UK converted to Christianity. They are actually funding and promoting some Nairs as Missionaries. But the thousands of Nairs converted by Nair missionaries dont exist.


Portuguese protected the Catholic converts and built magnificient Cathedrals and Basilicas for them. Most of the Syrian Churches are nothing but Portuguese built churches. Portuguese imported statues and bells from Italy brought Persian crosses from middleeast. A class of Church builders the Mestizos who were trained in Engineering, European architecture, painting frescos etc. Portuguese mixed with the local Christian population to produce a Mestizo community. In the Portuguese period the Catholics converted by them in India and Srilanka were socially elevated to occupy military and administrative jobs. Many of these Portuguese mixed Christian communities such as Syrians, Konkanies and Karave retain their position. Portuguese were the most respectable among the foreign missions


Baptists from Britain did do some work as William Carey established Serampore college in 1800s. Serampore was under Danes. Northeast especially Nagaland. Serampore college/University is evennow an important centre for Indian Protestants. Many genuine Baptists including including Brahmin converts are there in Serampore. Why Americans appoint them as missionaries. Why are the American Baptists sending Nairs now to convert Indian tribals? Rather Nairs should convert their own kind. Most of the 5 million Nairs are still Hindus.




Indian tribals are mainly Proto-Dravidian, Northern Dravidians, Austronesian and Naga people. Some tribals like Dravidian Gonds ruled over vast areas in Maharashtra, Madhyapradesh and Chattishgarh until 15th century. Oraons are also a Dravidian people who live at Jharkhand, Chattishgarh, Odisha, West, Bengal Bihar and Assam. Many tribals are Animistic and worship Nature. Ancestor worship is also common among them. They build mudhut temples called God House (Deiva pura) on a elevated platform where they worship their ancestors. Established Churches such as Roman Catholics and Protestants have established Schools and colleges since 1960. Their culture should be preserved. The American funded Nair missionaries will do more harm than good in these areas.


Nairs usually claim they accidentally heard the sermon of some Christian preacher that Jesus was the saviour of everybody. Then immediately they started believing in Christ. They will tell you that Jesus was the only guard.

Some Nairs say that they were Very sick admitted in a Christian missionary hospital. After the recovery they allegedly became Christian's.

For some Nairs reading a single verse from Bible is enough to convert to Christianity.

Before some Nairs Jesus appears in person, talks to them and guides them. They have the Vision of Jesus very often. In the room of staunch Hindu Nairs Jesus appears wearing white dress. There room is filled with Brightness. Their family members also getting Visions of Jesus.

After that self converted a Nair will give a testimony in a Church or prayer meeting. Usually Nairs give their first testimony at a Catholic deaddiction centre. There Christians are least inclined to question their authenticity. So that he Nair will also add that he had been from an aristocratic Brahmin like Nair family but he has been alienated from his family.

Some of the Nair sudden converts are highly educated NRIs living in western countries. The might have eavesdropped a Western Church members planning to sponsor charitable work such as Colleges, Orphanages or missionary activities in India.

Despite the high educational qualifications an Asian is still a Pagan to the Western Christian church goers. A highly qualified Nair in his middle ages living at the western countries may self convert himself suddenly to Christianity. This is to change his social status from an Foreign Asian Hindu to to become the reputed member of the Anglican Church. Nobody questions his bible knowledge or intention. His family never converts. Eventually he will become a Director of Indian missionary organization with good supply of Dollars or Euro. Finally he will claim many thousand souls to his credit.


When a Nair gives testimony that Jesus came and Visited him an talked him previous day he is obviously lying. Jesus does not visit any Bishops of Catholic or Protestant Churches. A section of Christians with strong inferiority complex are ready to believe Nair testimony. They chant Praise the Lord, Hallelujah, Strothram making Nair testimony seem authentic. Any stage actor with little training can give Sermons and Testimonies.




Perhaps the Syrian Christian Preachers of Pathanamthitta who were involved in the Gospel activities recruited some Nairs as accountants and assistants in the 80's. By this Nairs were introduced to a whole new world. They understood how missionary activities are conducted worldwide.

Many of these Nairs converted and migrated to western countries. Stringent rules applied for a highly qualified professional from India to get a Green Card. But a Christian preacher gets Visa much more easily. Access to American universities by sponsorship from American church agencies is another reason for their conversion. Nair Christian priests are found among, Malayalis, Tamils, Kannadigas, Punjabis and Hindi areas in India. But they have more acceptance outside Kerala. Nair Pastors of Singapore are mixed with Chinese. Other Nair Reverends are found in UK and US.

Catholics are the first to welcome the Nair self converts. Orthodox and Jacobite Churches dont encourage or Baptise Nair Christians. Many Nair converts working with CSI and CNI as priests appear to be ordained genuine christians.
Some IPC Nair priests also could be genuine.


Many Nair converts in India dont join any established Church as priests. Usually they establish their own Churches and try to get finances from abroad. Some establish new churches with the help of foreign missionary organisations. Only a few are successful. But if they are successful they will receive hundreds of Crores of Rupees from American missionary agencies. Only Assemblies of God and Baptists allow Pastors to establish their own Churches both American.


Two categories of self appointed Nair missionaries exist. Both establish their own Churches.


They conduct Billy Graham like conventions mimicking Pentegosts and Maraman convention. Unlike the Catholics and Protestants who conduct annual conventions Nair Evangelists conduct the conventions many times in a year at different locations. The offerings belong to their own Church.


Like Nair Evangelists do not join any established church but establish their own Church soon after their alleged conversion to Christianity. The sponsors of Nair missionaries is always the missionary wing of American Baptists church. Normally a Indian Pastor from any Church can earn a monthly salary 30000 to 50000 Rupees per month. But the American Missionary organisations can provide 10 to 20 Crores annually. Definitely Jesus has brought a great change in the lifes of Nairs.

Nair missionaries claim to have won many lakh souls for Jesus. Whom did they actually convert to Christianity and where they reside is not clear. In Kerala no Nairs have been converted by Nair missionaries.

Nair missionaries claim to have built thousands of Churches in India. Exact locations of these churches is unknown. They also claim to have built Seminaries, Colleges, Schools, Orphanages, Leprosy Sanatariams, Childrens homes, Womens homes.

All these are in a virtual world.




Nair Missionaries visit American Baptists church and introduce themselves as a Great Indian missionary who has converted lakhs of Hindus to Christianity and who has established many thousand Churches. They give Sermon in the Church. After that Nair missionaries request the American Church goers that he require money for the maintenance of Indian Churches, Colleges, Seminaries, Orphanages they have built. Each Western Church has the Potential to sponsor 10000 to 20000 Dollars per month. Thousands of Baptist Churches exist in America.
Further countries like Ireland, UK and Australia also have Baptists Churches where the peopled are inclined at helping Indian Churches. They get the sponsorship of atleast 10 Churches at a time. They mimick closely the Syrian Christian Evangelists of Pathanamthitta. At the foreign Churches they always wear western dress.

Indians souls are very expensive now costing atleast 100 Dollars . Anybody who claims to have won 1000 souls will easily get one lack dollars from the western missionary organizations.


The final destination of all Menon and Nair evangelists are US, UK and Australia. The reason for this is that Sinners are more in these English speaking western countries. Americans are among the worst sinners. Even the Tamil and Malayali expatriates around New Jersey, among whom the Menon Missionaries work are heavy sinners. Born again Menons pray for the souls of American sinners and gets them cleansed by Holy Spirit easily. The American souls repaired by Menon Pastors are as good as new.

Australia was a country where they dumped convicts in the 17th century. Many Nair Pastors consider Australians to be extremely sinful. They have established many prayer houses in Australia. However no Nairs try to work among the Australian Aborigines.

At UK even those Nairs who dont know English have established Churches to save the souls of poor whitemen. If a foreign missionary organisation is funding, then Menons will consider India as a country of sinners too. However Menon Pastors avoid their own Nair areas in Kerala. No foreign missionary organisation with a bounty can convince Menons to preach among Nairs.

Most of the Menons consider African continent as a country of Holy people devoid of sins. Menons never offer to become a missionary in Africa, China, Latam and Arab countries. Menon Missionaries avoid Papua New Guinea.

A Nair has established a Seminary with American funding at Fiji allegedly training 10000 Pastors who work in South Pacific islands. Now Americans can watch South Pacific islands closely.




Many Nair Christians perform miracles outside Kerala. They have control of elements. They can stop rain selectively over their houses during the Monsoons. The can extinquish fires during a fire accident. They can heal sick people. They can chase away demons and perform exorcism. In the epidemics and Pandemics their prayer creates a disease free zones. The can be Speaking in Tongues.


By the end of twentieth century many Hindus hitherto indifferent to Christianity started identifying themselves as Christians. With the sole aim of working in the west some even joined Bible colleges and started studying Theology. Fluency in English and Biblical knowledge is essential.

Unlike other genuine Christian's who take up a Christian name these people will use their Hindu names and caste names only. Their families and siblings remain Hindus. They identify themselves as Pastors, Reverends, Bishops, Arch Bishops, Missionaries, Prophets or even Apostles. It is just a job for them. These are the same people who used to be hostile to foreign missionaries. In the Dollar Christianity the driving force is Dollars and not Jesus. When a sudden Nair Christian missionary declares that Jesus is my Saviour he actually means Dollar is his Saviour. These Pseudo missionaries go to tribal areas and collect souls for Dollars.

Thus many Pastors and Missionaries with surnames Kaul, Nair, Menon, Chopra, Chatterjee, Patel exist in UK and the western world. They often Shorten their names to hide their Hindu identity. Many will hide their name and use their surnames only. Formerly the western Churches would not have accepted them. But as agnosticism grows among the Western Christians they have relaxed their rules.
Now many of the Indian Hindus work in the British Churches as Pastors and Preachers.

There was no missionaries among Syrian Christians until 1960s. When the missionaries were restricted many self appointed evangelists travelled to USA and gave sermons in local Churches. The Dollars collected by them enabled them to live a lavish life style. Hardly they converted any Hindus in India but claimed to do so. The churches established by them attracted the Christians from other denominations. Most of them had foreign Citizenship.

Now Nairs are following footsteps of Syrian NRI preachers. Many of the Nairs can give sermons as good as any Christian preacher. Western Church goers or Priests dont question their credibility. Most of the Nair preachers claim to have converted millions. But they are lying. All their own relatives are still not converted. Nairs never attempt to convert their own community.

There are 5 million Hindu Nairs there. Totally Nair converts are few hundred only. Any missionary money earned by them actually help their Hindu relatives.


1) Each Nair missionary claims that he converted lakhs of Indians to Christianity.
2) They claim to have established thousands of Churches. Chattisgarh and Orissa are their favourite destination.
3) They have established Seminaries, Schools Colleges
4)They have established many Orphanages
5) Womens and destitute homes
6) Sanatariums

But most of these buildings are not Physical. Nair Missionaries consider their own relatives as Gods own temples ie Churches.


The Western missionary organisations ideally should not encourage the Missionary clones. But if they still do the western organization's should ask for the locations of new Churches founded by them, Photographs, Names, Photographs, identities of the Parishioners, Photographs, Names and identities and Qualifications of the Pastors.

All the data they provide should verifiable. Ideally West should not encourage Missionary work in India at all. It will help only crooks. Instead they can help the established Churches such as Syro-Malabar, Jacobite, Orthodox, Marthoma, CSI and CNI to establish Professional and other higher educational institutions and Hospitals in various parts of India.




India has 32 million Christians among the established Churches. There are about 4.5 million ancient Syrian Christians. Nair Christians are in hundreds only.

Ignoring the traditional Christians of India Americans are funding Hindu Nair Missionaries to establish Seminaries and Bible schools in India, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia and South Pacific countries. There could be some ulterior motive behind this.

The American missionary organisations such as Baptists and Assemblies of God are bribing Hindu Nairs with millions of Dollars. Most of the Nairs thus selected are Lawyers, Military officers, Politicians from Hindu fundamemtalist parties and Communist parties. Then they train them in Seminaries. Once the Nairs and Menons acquire their skills in giving sermon and Knowledge in Bible they will form their own 'Shining Path' ministries.

The American missionary organisations will call them Pastors, Bishops, Missionaries and even Apostles.
Releasing American (Christian) Nair missionaries in tribal areas could destroy tribal culture altogether.

Ideally Americans should order Nair missionaries to convert their own Nair community and not anybody else. Infact Nairs have not converted anybody in India. Neither have they built any churches in India.

Americans are ridiculing hundreds of genuine Catholic and Protestant priests of India dedicated their lives in building schools Hospitals for tribal and underprivileged people. Actual motive of Americans for promoting a fake Christianity is not clear.

For some unknown reason American missionary organisations have been promoting Hindu Nairs as Pastors, Bishops and Missionary in India, Nepal, Bhutan, Burma, Malaysia, Singapore, Gulf, Australia and Fiji. Obviously Americans are using Hindu Nairs to do some other work other than Christian missionary work.


The Roman Catholic church requires the Fathers to be unmarried. This has saved the Catholic Church from Nairs. Catholic priests have to adopt Christian names. There is not many Nair priests or Nuns among Catholics. Catholics dont approve of priests establishing their own church. Neither the Catholic hierarchy will allow priests to embezzle money. Many Hindu Nairs do give testimony in Catholic gatherings as Churches dont allow them. But Nairs neither convert to Roman Catholicism or change their names because there are no financial benefits in Catholic Churches.




Many Indian Nair missionaries might have been inspired by the 1923 film PILGRIM by Charlie Chaplin.

Fahad Fasil's 2020 Malayalam film TRANCE may become inspiration for many Nairs to become Christian Missionaries in the future.


Christian's are about 31.2 percent of Global population. 243 crores of Christians are there worldwide. India has only 3.2 crores of poor Christian population. The Spiritual needs of Western countries are much more than India. Most of the European countries have 90% Christian population though one third of them declare themselves as non-religious. Actually Christianity is declining worldwide.


The Hindu converts working as preachers and Reverends other than Nairs in UK and US are Kashmiri Pandits, Punjabi Khatris, Gujarati Patels, Bengali Chatterjis and Parsis who have allegedly embraced Christianity.

In India these people have had no inclination towards Christianity. Most of Nair preachers use their original Hindu names only. Indian converted Christian Nairs especially Menons are trying hard to reestablish Christian faith among the European population.

One reason for this ridiculous situation is traditional Indian Christians rarely send their sons to the Bible schools or Seminaries of other denominations such as Anglicans. Neither hardly any Kerala's traditional Christians study in European seminaries. Pastors from genuine traditional Indian Christian communities are rarely seen at Europe.


There are 5 million Nairs in Kerala. Few hundred Nairs only have converted to Christianity who are genuine Christians who have adopted Christian names. The recent self converted Nair Brothers, Pastors and Bishops supported by Foreign Baptist mission and Pentegost missions. Nair Missionaries should ideally be assigned by the Americans to work among Nairs only.





Rev. Sadesh Chandra MenonPresbyter-in-Charge C.S.I. St. John's ChurchWalajapet Tamilnadu. CSI Diocese of Vellore.


Rev VIctor N. Menon Is the Assistant Professor of Theology at Karnataka Theological College, Mangalore. He has written many theological books.


At Bangalore, Ernakulam and Trivandrum Bishop Manu Menon is running a Christian Church called marvelous light revival ministries under South Indian Assemblies of God (SIAG) Karnataka. He has been influenced by the Gospel of Bro D G S Dhinakaran.


Pastor in The victory of Jesus Christ Church, Gurdaspur Punjab.
Sermon: Punjabi

PAUL SUDHAKAR MENON  (1922 to 2002)

Cousin to V.K.Krishna Menon, former Defence Minister of India. Speaker, every State of India, as well as in numerous countries abroad from Australia to the U.K

According to him he was aristocratic and well-to-do Menon family – staunch upper caste Hindu. It is true that Vengalil family owned two lakh acres of land. The circumstances leading to his reading bible is not clear.


Aravindaksha Menon who found Jesus in the Vedas and became a Catholic. He compares Sacrifice of Jesus to Sacrifice of Prajapathy. He describes himself from a very orthodox semi Brahmin Hindu family. He gave his testimony at Potta Dhyanakendram. In Vedas many Prajapathys but none of them have any resemblance to Jesus Christ. The Prajapathy Heresy was postulated by Krishnamohan Banerjea 1875 AD.
Testimony: Malayalam


Associate Pastor at Trinity Assembly of God ChurchFaridabad, Haryana,


Gospel Singer Preacher. Amritsar. He is associated with Syrian Christian Evangelists of Pathanamthitta.




Founder and Pastor of People’s Baptist Church; Founder and President of People’s Baptist Ministries. He is the pastor of People’s Baptist Church in Trivandrum. He describes himself as a high caste Hindu Army officer, he was a harsh and outspoken critic of Christianity. But he was converted to Christianity in 1972 when he was admitted at Baptist Mid-Missions Hospital ( Where). GS. Nair is introduced as an Indian missionary with the supporting churches in America.

The American benefactor and collaborator Jack McElroy, PresidentMcElroy Electronics Corporation Massaceucets equates GS.Nair with St.Paul in his book Building his Fathers Business one soul at a time.(St.Paul used to torture Christian's. Nairs also used to torture Christians).

GS.Nair allegedly graduated from Berean Baptist College Bangalore in 1977 AD. He has allegedly built 3,900 Churches in India, Myanmar, Nepal, and Bhutan. (Syro-Malabar church has only 3224 Parishes). But the location of these 3900 churches is not known. Only two Peoples Baptist Ministries India churches one at Trivandrum (Ambalamukku) and another at Aluva is visible.

G.S.Nair has allegedly constructed 4 Bible Colleges from which 3500 Pastors graduated. A Seminary, 21 Bible College Extension Schools. G.S Nair claims to have converted 400,000 people to Christianity over the past 42 years.
7 Private Christian schools in India and Nepal.
2 Vocational training centers for women.
25 Children’s homes (Orphanages)
2 ladies’ homes

Construction all these may cost more than 5000 Crores.

The headquarters Peoples Baptists Ministry is in Fundamental Baptist Mission to India
137 Scudder Rd.Osterville, MA 02655 137 Scudder Rd, Osterville, MA 02655 .
Pastor Robert Hansen, Plymouth Massaceucets in charge of Fundamental Baptist Mission to India.
PBMI’s sources of income are churches and individuals in the United States, Scotland, and Australia as per the website Fundamental Baptist Mission to India is funding him.

The maintenance of 3900 Churches is relatively cheap, about 35000 US Dollars (2,571,832 Rupees) per month ie 659 Rupees per Church.
Jack McElroy is an American entrepreneur, businessman who helps G.S.Nair to secure funding.
G.S. Nair, is the greatest Hindu Nair Missionary-Entrepreneur of India.

It is a hoax. Nobody can build 3900 Churches in 42 years. Most of the Indian Christians will avoid a Seminary established by a Nair Neo convert. So he could not have trained 3500 Pastors. Where will they work after completion?. CSI, Marthoma or Syro-Malabar wont accept them. Neither an Nair Pastor unaffiliated to any major churches of India can convert 400000 people to Christianity. G.S.Nair is not a known evangelist in Kerala. Where are the 3900 Churches built by GS.Nair in India?.

None of the local Syrian priests are aware of the existence of PBMI churches. American Churches in India such as Baptist, Seventhday Adventists and Mormons are not popular in India and they have followers in thousands only. Why should Fundamental Baptist Mission to India send millions to nonexistent churches?.




His father was a RSS worker from Nedumangadu. Then the family became bankrupt. First his brother became a believer. Then his mother had visions of Jesus. A pastor used to visit their house. He and his brother then attended Pentegost gatherings Then the apparition of Jesus appeared at his bedroom. Jesus had white robe and had white hair too The townspeople printed posters saying that they received money from America and had become Pentegosts. After 9 years Jesus appeared before them again and ordered them to leave Nedumangadu. He and his family went to Thodupuzha and then to Bangalore. He initially stayed in a building under a Seminary.

Then Jesus told him in advance that he will get two alliances. One was a rich Christian bride and the other one was a Hindu Nair bride. He married the Hindu Nair bride. He married a Hindu Nair bride because it was the will of Jesus. He works as a Christian Pastor now.


Ex Hindu Nair converted to christianity who also happens to be from Nedumangad. Relationship with Pastor Sreeju R Nair is not clear. He has got his own Church and Theological Seminary. Kingdom First Ministries Church on the Rock Theological Seminary. Thiruvananthapuram
Director - Kingdom Tours
Kingdom tours is based out of Trivandrum which organize to Israel, Egypt, Turkey, Jordan and Greece. He may convert many Nairs into Pastorhood.


Pastor at Church of God (Full Gospel) in India. Bachelors Degree Theology/Theological studies.


Pastor of the Sharon Pentecostal Church, earlier was with Indian Pentecostal Church at Kumbanad.


Pastor HIF)Highland Immanuel Fellowship Church, Ernakulam and was in charge of the Malayalam wing of the Church He was brought up in a traditional Hindu Nair family.

BISHOP PATRICK NAIR (1932 to 2017)
was a Roman Catholic bishop. Nair served as bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Meerut. Much respected preacher.

was a driver at Wayanad. Now he is a Catholic priest at Thrissur. At 37 years he became a believer and entered Seminary. He added Kripa Grace to his name.

Prateek Pillai is the current Presbyter in-charge, of St. James’ Church, Kashmere Gate, Delhi



Paul Pillai hails from Trivandrum from a Hindu family. He had Marxist affiliations. Formerly a Hindu lawyer.
Dr. Paul Pillai is the founder and director of India Inland Mission, which plants churches among Hindus. The mission also runs orphanages and a Bible College for training evangelists and pastors. He has been establishing churches in unknown places for thirty years.


One village did not have drinking water, only salt water. Paul Pillai and team prayed for pure water and the Lord provided pure water. The whole village came to Christ. (Location of this Village is a secret).


Another village head was blind for three years. Paul Pillai and his team laid their hand on the chief and prayed. His eyes were opened and he could see. The whole village came under Christ.(Location of this Village is a secret)


One village sufferred from constant Tiger attacks. The police or Gunmen could not find a tiger. Paul Pillais team members preached gospel in that Village. Then they went around the village seven times then they claimed that the Village was protected by a circle of a blood of Christ. For eight years the tiger has not returned.


In another place a Witch Doctor had cursed a man because enmity. That mans seven Milk Buffalos stopped giving milk. Paul Pillais assistants lifted the curse by revoking the name of Jesus. The Buffalos started giving milk again. Half of the Villagers came to know Jesus.(Location of the village is a secret).


Paul Pillai had arranged a Gospel meet at a village. But a Hindu militant group attacked them and started a riot against them. Suddenly a Thunder and lightning came and the leader of the gang was totally blinded. This stopped the rioting and the Gospel meeting continued for five days. On the fifthday the blinded leader of the gang came to the meeting. After prayer he regained his vision and was baptised and became a believer of Christ. (Well, the place is unknown)


In anothor place Paul Pillai was conducting a Gospel meeting during the Monsoon season in a Tent. Because of the heavy rain the surrounding places were flooded with rain and even buildings were washed away. The tent was on top of the mountain. Only in the area of tent there was no rain. In the tent meeting many were healed, delivered from demons. Hundreds were freed of sins and accepted Christ.(Exact location of the tent is not known).


At the central India whole tribe was converted by Paul Pillai. The daughter of the tribal chief was possessed by Demon and became insane. Pillai and team managed to exorcise the girl. The tribal chief and the whole tribe accepted Christ as the only God.(Place is a secret)


A fire brokeout in a village with 10000 people where huts with mudwalls and thatched roofs were closely packed. Paul Pillai had established a church with ten believers in that Village. A thick smoke filled the area. There was no Fireengine available in that area. Pastor Paul Pillai he believers asked the villagers to call upon the name of Jesus to stop the fire. Pastor was using a microphone to tell them. The fire burned from 8.30 AM to the evening. In the evening the Pastor declared that God will clear the smoke and no lives will be lost. The smoke cleared and the Villagers accepted Christ.


During the Pneumonic Plague epidemic Paul Pillai was at Surat where they had ministry for 20 years. Many prominent leaders from villages came and asked him to pray for them as they heard about the power of Jesus in them. The believers fasted and prayed. Eventually Plague did not affect Surat because of their prayers. Good thing about Dr. K. V. Paul Pillai is that he has adopted a Christian name.



As long as the American missionary money is flowing many Pillais and Nairs from Trivandrum will be serving Jesus, performing miracles and converting thousands of North Indians, Tribals and North Eastern people. Each soul thus saved for Jesus are worth atleast hundred dollars. For the miracles performed the American Church goers will pay extra. Where was Paul Pillai during the Kerala floods? Will he eradicate Covid? These Pillais rarely convert Nairs.

Why cant they convert their own Kind ? Nairs are majority in Trivandrum Kollam Kozhikode and Kannur. Paul Pillai should perform miracles and convert them to Christianity. Traditionally the Vellala mixed Nairs of Trivandrum, the Pillais were the traditional enemies of the Christians of Anglican Church and Latin Catholics. They have destroyed many Churches in the period between 1812 to 1982 AD.


Jesus Feast Of Life Ministries Palakkad.

He says,I born in India for Jesus crist I born for Gospel for Jesus crist I live for Gospel in India.At present his English is quite poor. He compares the Creator's sperm with Human's sperm, Devil's sperm and Evil Creature's sperm in his own English.


Shalom Fellowship Church Jammu
Sermon: Hindi



Message: Hindi


Narayan Nair who converted from Hindism to Christianity in the mid 60's travelled to Australia with his wife Savita, and two young children to attend AFCI’s Illawarra Bible College. He was a native of Fiji and he wanted to form a ministry to spread Gospel in south Pacific islands.
In 1974 when The Fiji College of Theology and Evangelism (FCTE) opened. Mass Evangelistic Events are conducted by AFCI.

Today Narayan Nair has trained 10000 Evangelists. Narayan Nair is supported by Ambassadors for Christ International USA, a fellowship of gospel preachers and teachers. AFSI headquarters at AFCI USA Service CenterRoswell, Georgia, USA.KSA

IPC Faith Centre Church, Peroorkada. He is the most enigmatic preacher among Christian Nairs.


Srikanth hasn’t graduated from Bible college (seminary) but Jesus made him a Pastor. He has his own Church. Jesus contacted him at the Emirates Baptist Church International. After that he went to study at US. Jesus came looking for him when he was a student at the University of Houston. He says that Jesus is the Great Shepherd and all who are called (who don’t merely see it as a job) to be a pastor.
He emigrated to Australia in 2010. He has been working as a Pastor at Fishers of Men Church Australia.


Dev Menon is the pastor in charge of discipleship at Zion Bishan Bible-Presbyterian Church, Singapore.


St. Andrew's Cathedral Singapore. Converted at the age of 16. He is also a medical Doctor.


Senior Pastor of Church of David’s Tent Ipoh (Church of Thaveethin Kudaram Ipoh), Perak, Malaysia.
He is also called Apostle MENON Manasa. A Tamil evangelist. He was arrested by Malaysian Police. But his flock of Tamil Christans stood by him.


Rock For Jesus,Johor Bahru, Malaysia





Rev. Suresh Menon installed as incumbent (Priest-in-Charge)St Andrew's The Vicarage, Sturt Road, Frimley Green, Surrey UK.Revd Suresh Menon, formerly Assistant Curate of St Ebbe with Holy Trinity and St Peter-le-Bailey, Oxford (Oxford), now Priest-in-Charge of Frimley Green and Mychett (Guildford).Church of England parish church.
Financial year ending 31 December 2020
Total income: £110,404
Total expenditure: £110,147

In the same church other Indian Pastors are Preacher Roop Chopra, Preacher Hari Kaul, Preacher Harish Patel and Rev Dr.Rohintan Mody.
Thus Punjabi Khatris, Kashmiri Pandits, Gujarati Patels, Parsis Nairs and Menons are preaching Gospel in the Churches of UK.


Vijay Menon was a devout Hindu until his middle ages. He was trained as a Ship's Engineer working at Marine insurance London. He accidentally wandered into a Church St Helen Bishopsgate at London. (No body follows a crowd and goes and sits inside a church unless ineberiated) Once he realised that he was inside a church he wanted to escape but could not because of the crowd and was forced to hear the church service at the St Helen Bishopsgate London.

The pastor said that Jesus Christ had died not only for Christians but also for Hindus and Muslims. Immediately after hearing that Vijay Menon became a Christian and a evangelist. In a few years he redesignated himself as a Bible scholar and a Theologian and a critique of Church of England. (A genuine Christian priest may require a lifetime to become a theologian. The Church of England never took him to a Sunday school and examined his Biblical Knowledge).

Vijay Menon is also a trustee Evangelical Christian Leadership in South Africa. He is also Vice president of Church Society Council an organisation which strives to elevate the worship and doctrine of Church to Biblical standards. Vijay Menon has written a book Only one God at UK.

Vijay menon says that Ignorance of the Bible is ignorance of God, which is ultimately the world's biggest problem. If Jesus Christ came back today, the Church of England's General Synod would crucify him" says Vijay Menon, an evangelical member of the Synod. (A person who remained Hindu and a Live Snake worshipper until his middle ages is criticising Church of England few years after his conversion).

Vijay Menon wanted to restore Church of England to Biblical standards.(Most importantly he has successfully changed his own image from an outsider Asian Hindu to the levels of Christian Elder of Church of England).
Many educated Nairs living in the western countries use Christianity to gain recognition in the western society. They have double lives, Christian at Europe, US and Hindu in India. Their family remains Hindu. Sons and daughters marry Hindu Nairs only.
Vijay Menon ignored his own Nair community and never attempted to convert them . Many of the Menon converts to Christianity dont have Biblical standards either.

Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams awarded the Cross of St Augustine to Vijay Menon ceremony in the Chapel at Lambeth Palace in 2008. Vijay Menon allegedly has converted literally thousands of Indians to Christianity. It would have cost the Anglican Church millions of Pounds. But all those Nairs Vijay Menon converted are not visible. They have been hiding ever since.

Manoj Nair founder of Christ Revelation Church Birmingham. He is an Aristocratic Hindu who found Jesus. He preaches only in Malayalam translated by wife in English.




Sermons:Tamil and English

Eternal Grace Church, Parsippany, New Jercy, United States. Influenced by Pentegost ministry in 1965. In 1967 as a teenager he prayed and was baptised by God with Holy spirit and the ability to talk in other tongues. In 1970 he took water Baptism. From 1966 to 1988 he was comitted to part time ministry for Jesus Christ. He was a government servant in Tamilnadu. He completed two-year course of studies in theology between 1984 and 1985 from the International Bible Training Institute, England.

Since 1988 he has been doing fulltime ministry. 2009, a small gathering of Tamil Christians were longing to grow spiritually and praying earnestly to have a fellowship at New Jersey.  A congregation was formed and named as Eternal Grace Church.

From 2009 as a ordained minister of Assemblies of God of United states of America as a priest of Eternal Grace Church affiliated church of New Jersey District USA. Believers residing in New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania are wholeheartedly attending Sunday ServicesMinistries in Indian States since 1971:

1) Tamil Nadu 2) Andhra Pradesh 3) Karnataka 4) Orissa 5) Maharashtra 6) Madhya Pradesh 7) Bihar 8)  Delhi-Capital of India.

Ministries in Europe during the years 1984-85:
1) England 2) Italy

Ministries in the West since the year 2000:
1) Germany 2) Italy 3) Holland 4) Britain 5) France 6) Denmark 7) Canada 8) United States of America

EGOL Bible School, an Online Bible School conducting courses at1) New York 2) New Jersey 3) Pennsylvania 4) Boston 5) Connecticut 6) Maryland 7) Georgia 8) Illinois 9) Tamil Nadu


Highrock Malden US.


Sermons:Tamil and English
Founder/President LIFE CHANGING CHURCH PhD. (Doctorate In divinity) Missouri USA
Chennai.Jeshurun College of Bible Studies Chennai


Youth and Young Adults Pastor.Angle Lake Neighborhood Church. WASHINGTON USA




Immanuel Baptist ChurchBrockton, Massachusetts, United States



Karnataka was ruled by indigenous Dravidian ruling clans called Villavars and Banas. Banas were the northern cousins of Villavars and also their arch enemies.


1. Nadavara of Uttara Kannada and Gokarna Banappandiyan kingdom
2. Uppu Nador and Torke Nador of Goa Kadamba and Uttara Kannada
3. Saluva of Goa Kadamba
4. Bunt and Nadava of Tulunadu Bunts mixed with Nagas from Ahichatra had adopted matrilineal customs.
5. Balija Naickers of Anegundi-Kishkinda
6. Balija Naickers of Keladi Nayaka kingdom.


1. Bhillava Bhillavas have mixed with Nagas from Ahichatra and have adopted matrilineal succession. Bhillavas mixed with Bhillavas of Kerala.

Karnataka was ruled by many Banappandiyan kingdoms. Pandya or Majabali surname was used by Bana kings.

1. Kadamba kingdom
a. Santara Pandyas
b. Nurumbada Pandyas

2. Goa Kadamba kingdom
3. Kadambas of Hangal
4. Santara Pandyan kingdom of Karkala
5. Balija Naickers of Vijaya Nagara from Anegundi-Kishkinda
6. Keladi Nayaka kingdom
7. Uchangi Pandiyan kingdom
8. Alupa Pandyan kingdom of Banas supported by Bananaya clans ie Bunts.
9. Gokarna Pandyan dynasty


Kadamba kingdom had been a Banappandiyan kingdom supported by two Bana clans called Santara Pandyans and Nurumbada Pandiyans.

The Kadamba kingdom which was a Dravidian Banappandiyan kingdom fell in the hands of a northern Brahmin called Mayurasharma who became the king of Kadamba kingdom in 345 AD. Mayurasharma changed his name to Mayuravarma. Mayuravarma was most likely an Ahichatram Brahmin. Ahichatram was the Capital of Uttarapanchala country ie ancient Nepal.

Mayuravarma brought Naga slave warriors from Ahichatra under Ahichatram Brahmin leadership to strengthen his regime in 345 AD.

From the Ahichatram Brahmins Shivally Brahmins and Nambuthiri Brahmins evolved.

Nairs were the Nagas brought from Ahichatram as slave warriors. Nairs might have been related to Nepali Newar community. Ahichatram Nagas and Aryans were settled at coastal Karnataka by Mayuravarma.


Nairs had been a subgroup of Bunts. Subgroups of Tulu Bunt community such as Nayara, Menava, Kuruba, Samantha, Maralu etc appeared in the twelfth century in Kerala.


In 1120 AD Arabs who had become a major seapower wanted to establish a major sea colony at Malabar allied with a Tulu prince called Banapperumal. Banapperumal alias Banu Vikrama Kulasekharapperumal was the brother of Tulu king Kavi Alupendra who ruled Tulunadu between 1110 AD to 1160 AD.

Banapperumal invaded Kerala with a large Nair army in 1120 AD and occupied Malabar. The Nair army was led by Padamalai Nair alias Krishnan Munjad who converted to Islam at Maldives and was known as Husain Khwaja. A section of Nairs also converted to Islam and formed the early Malabari Muslim community. Banapperumal also converted to Islam and sailed to Arabia in 1156 AD.


Nairs and Nambuthiris the Ahichatram Nagas and Aryans who appeared in Kerala in 1120 AD. Nairs and Nambuthiris were brought inside Kerala by Arabs. But in the laterdays Nambuthiris started claiming that Kerala was given to them by Parashurama. Without the support of Arabs Nairs and Nambuthiris would not have entered Kerala.

Parashurama legend was not mentioned in ancient Tamil Sangam literature of Kerala. Wherever the Ahichatram Brahmins went they claimed that land was given to them by Parashurama.